Patient Spotlight: Ronni Krasnow
Tell us a little about yourself
I am 53, and I work as a librarian in the public library. I am the quintessential stereotype – I live alone, have a cat, and many cardigan sweaters. Theater is my main passion, but I also like to do collage and have even sold a few pieces. I am from NY originally, but lived in DC for 11 years. For the majority of my life, I walked with one cane, but I recently had to switch to two lofstrand crutches, which I hate, but that’s life.
How did you find the CP Center
Around the time I turned 50 my body started becoming more unreliable. I was falling more often than ever, my neck was killing me, and I knew I needed to see someone. Again, my story is typical in that I had excellent care as a child, but from the age of about 25-50, I didn't really have a CP doctor. Whenever I tried to find one, they only saw kids. Luckily, a friend of mine found the center and sent me the link.
What advice would you give to someone deciding whether or not to make an appointment?
Definitely do it. Dr. Selber listened to my concerns, and didn't rush right into surgery. He sent me for a gait analysis, and then we decided that the surgery would help. Also, when I experienced some unexpected pain during my recovery, Dr. Selber saw me right away. He really knows CP, but also understands that adults have lives and limits to what someone might be willing to do.
How has the CP Center impacted your care?
I am so grateful to have connected with the center. I originally saw Dr. Roye, who sent me to Dr. Dyrszka when my MRI showed cervical spinal stenosis, which I had no idea I even had. Both doctors told me that unless I had the surgery, I might not be able to walk in a few years. That was not an option! The best part is that even though Dr. Dyrszka told me the pain in my neck was not related to stenosis, but arthritis, my neck has been 90% better since that surgery in 2019. I also recently had surgery with Dr. Paulo Selber on my toes, and for the first time in 45 years my toes are properly aligned and I don't feel the need to stretch and crack my toes 24/7. There is no way I can properly convey what it means to be free of that discomfort. So, the Center helped me to address (and mostly solve) my two chronic issues. I never thought that could happen!
In addition, when my employer was giving me problems about returning to work after the neck surgery, Dr. Roye and Jan Moskowitz really went to bat for me, and basically told my employer that I know what's best for me, and they should back off! I had no issues when returning from this latest surgery.